Μεταλληνού Αναστασία
Anastasia Metallinou (BA Honours in English & History, Oxford Brookes University, M.Ed. in Special Education, University of Bristol) is an English language teacher, dyslexia (SpLDs) specialist, educational. materials writer and teacher trainer. She is an active member of international organisations such as TESOL Greece and IATEFL and she is the coordinator of the TESOL Greece SpLDs (Specific Learning Differences) SIG.She is the co-author of English Sounds Fun which is the first highly structured and self contained teaching method designed specifically for dyslexic learners of English as a foreign language. Anastasia is also a teacher trainer and presents her work in numeral EFL and dyslexia conferences internationally.
Καινοτόμο – ευέλικτο εκπαιδευτικό πρόγραμμα διδασκαλίας αγγλικών
Το English Sounds Fun αποτελεί μια άρτια δομημένη μέθοδο ολιστικής διδασκαλίας αγγλικών σε μαθητές με δυσλεξία και μαθησιακές δυσκολίες, μια και αποτελείται συνολικά από 3 βιβλία. Έχει αρχή μέση και τέλος, επιτρέποντας στον μαθητή με την ολοκλήρωσή του, να συνεχίσει σε τυπική τάξη αγγλικών τόσο φροντιστηρίου όσο και κατ΄ίδίαν μαθημάτων.
Επικεντρώνεται και αναπτύσσει γνωστικούς τομείς
- reading
- writing
- speaking
- listening
- sentence structure
- pronunciaiton
- spelling
αλλά τον εξασκεί και σε δεξιότητες ζωής
- αυτοπεποίθηση
- αυτοαντίληψη
- αυτονομία
- μεταγνώση
- μνήμη
- οργάνωση
δίνοντάς του το συγκριτικό πλεονέκτημα και εξομαλύνοντας τις αρνητικές συνέπειες των δυσκολιών που τυχόν αντιμετωπίζει.
Μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί τόσο σε μαθητές που ξεκινούν τα αγγλικά, άλλα και σε μαθητές που αντιμετωπίζουν ιδιαίτερες δυσκολίες γραφής και ανάγνωσης στην μέχρι σήμερα διδασκαλία τους.
Η μέθοδος είναι πλήρως καθοδηγούμενη, περιλαμβάνει βιβλίο δασκάλου, μαθητή, εποπτικό υλικό, αλλά και πλούσιο online υλικό κατασκευασμένο ειδικά για το ESF.
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Μαθαίνοντας Αγγλικά με το ESF
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English Sounds Fun READY
€50.00 – €240.00
English Sounds Fun (Book 1 Ready) is a structured but flexible programme designed to be accessible to all learners, including those with specific learning differences, like dyslexia.
The teacher’s package includes…
- Teacher’s book with detailed lesson plans (including the student’s book pages)
- about 150 flashcards
- Online access to interactive audio-visual materials
- 15 Miniboards & a whiteboard pen
- 3 x Alphabet sets of magnetic letters (78 items: 1 set of capital letters & 2 sets of small letters) – NEW improved quality
- A pack of wikkistix
- pipe cleaners
- Power e card
- Access to extra online resources such as Needs Analysis, Progress Charts, songs and downloadable resources.
The student’s package includes:
- Student’s book
- Access to online audio-visual materials and songs
With English Sounds Fun Book 1 Ready, a holistic method, all students can enjoy learning English and develop firm foundations for progress towards proficiency. Students who complete all three books in the programme achieve competence at A1 and A2 (Common European Framework of Reference).
ESF is designed for teachers who are working with dyslexic learners and want to try a different approach. It can be used in 1:1 situations as well as small groups, with learners from 8 – 15 years of age, and older if appropriate.
It can also be used with learners who have complex difficulties, and any learner who has not benefitted from conventional tuition in the past.
Ideally, the learner would have 2 or 3 lessons a week, but ESF can also work on one lesson a week, so it fits with any schedule.
In book 1 students will:
- Recognise and produce the sounds of English
- Match the sounds to letters
- Read and write new words
- Create their own sentences
The teachers book contains a full explanation of the system used. Also contains procedures to follow in the lessons and a rationale for the methodology, at each step.
Each lesson is set up clearly. The teacher can follow up notes as s/he teaches the lesson. Also can look the students book material along side the lesson plan.
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