DysTEFL2’s objectives follow from the ideas we put forward in the DysTEFL project and involve the exploitation of the DysTEFL’s outcomes, namely the DysTEFL course.

In DysTEFL2 we want to complement the DysTEFL’s achievements by updating/supplementing the course materials, by designing a set of test/quizzes/exams and procedures for confirming the learning outcomes so that validated/certified training to EFL teachers can be offered. In DysTEFL2 we intend to further popularize the ideas promoted by DysTEFL among educational stakeholders. We believe this is how we can trigger further changes in language teacher training, mainstream language teaching and policy making as well.

The DysTEFL project and its outcomes have been assessed as excellent by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, experts in the field of EFL and dyslexia as well as by EFL teachers. We want to exchange and spread this good practice by providing EFL pre- and in-service teachers with DysTEFL face-to-face and e-learning courses which will be organized in Poland and European countries which did not participate in the DysTEFL project, namely Greece and Slovenia. The courses will be organized in three countries but we intend to reach EFL teachers also from European countries not involved in the DysTEFL2 consortium. The project timeframe is 01.09.2014 – 31.08.2016.

Download the material here